Euprepiophis mandarina

Mandarin Ratsnake

高 砂蛇

保育等級: 保育類 (第三級)


黃頷蛇科、Colubrinae 亞種
Colubridae, subfamily Colubrinae
140 cm
濱危蛇類。出沒在台灣北、中、東海拔 1000 - 2500 公尺的高海拔山區。
Medium-sized snake; total length up to 140 cm. There are 17-25 (21-23 at mid-body) rows of scales, which are smooth and shiny. Head is oval with slightly blunt snout; body is medium stout; tail is medium in length. Eye is medium-sized; iris is dark brown to blackish and pupil is round, black, and less distinct from rest of eye. Tongue is flesh-colored with gray fork tips. Upper head is yellow and the labials are white, except three broad, black cross-bands; the anterior one is located on the snout, ending on the first infralabials, the median one extends from top of head, divides over eye, to the labials, and the posterior one extends postolaterally from top of posterior head to base of jaw. Upper body and tail are purplish-gray or even reddish, with a series of conspicuous, yellow-margined, yellow-centered, black saddles separated from one another by length of 1-2 scales. There may also be a lateral series of small, black spots. Ventral head is white except the black spots on the gulars and some infralabials. Ventral body and tail are white with scattered quadrangular marks of prominent black pigment which are irregularly arranged on sides. The anal scale is divided and subcaudals are paired.
高砂蛇是日行性蛇類,也有紀錄出沒在晨昏時段,喜歡居住在山區森林底層或是岩石與草叢交錯的地帶。牠以尖鼠等小型哺乳動物為食,偶爾也會捕捉蜥蜴或攝食蜥蜴蛋。 母蛇在夏季會產下一窩 5 - 16 枚的卵,每枚長寬約 3*1.5 cm。在經過約 42 - 55 天之後會孵化。
Euprepiophis mandarina 可以解釋為 "漂亮的中國蛇": euprepes 是希臘文意思是 "漂亮的"; ophis 的意思是"蛇"; mandarinus 則是來自拉丁文意思是"中國的"。
高砂蛇 - 來自日本籍蛇類研究者高橋精(S. Takahashi)所採用的種名 "takasago" 。在日本這個辭有高砂、高山之意 。
高砂蛇在分類上屬於遊蛇科中的大族群黃頷蛇亞科。以前在屬的類上,牠是被歸類在錦蛇屬之下,但是最近在研究上被另外分類在 "Euprepiophis" 之下。
- Utiger, Urs, Notker Helfenberger, Beat Schätti, Catherine Schmidt, Markus Ruf and Vincent Ziswiler (2002); "Molecular systematics and phylogeny of Old World and New World ratsnakes,
- Elaphe Auct., and related genera (Reptilia, Squamata, Colubridae)." Russ. J. Herpetol. 9 (2): 105-124).