Sinomicrurus hatori

Hatori's Coral Snake


保育等級: 保育類 (第二級)


蝙蝠蛇科,Elapinae 亞種
Elapidae, subfamily Elapinae
98 cm
罕見蛇類。分布在海拔500 - 1500 m之間。台灣中部和東部都有紀錄,但是主要出現在南台灣。
Small snake; total length is up to 98 cm. It has 13-15 rows of scales, which are smooth, glossy, and iridescent. Head is broadly rectangular to square and not distinct from head; body is slim, round; tail is short and ends in a strongly chitinized, rigid tip. Eye is medium-sized; iris is dark gray to black, indistinct since it blends with dark color of head, and pupil is round, black. There are no loreals. Tongue is dull red to flesh, with diffuse gray fork tips. Fangs are small and in anterior part of upper jaw. Upper head is dark brown black, mottled with light brown in forehead; there is a broad cream or white band across head behind eyes. The supralabials are some white, some black, or mottled. Upper body is dark brown, crimson, and distinctly marked with three black longitudinal stripes from neck to tip of tail; the mid-dorsal stripe is narrower than the lateral stripes, which are crossed by white margined black bars. Ventral head and neck are white to dirty white, sometimes mottled with black. The infralabials bear distinct lines of black pigment at junction of anterior-most scales. Ventral body and tail are white to dirty white, with irregular size and irregularly distributed spots or cross bands of black. Anal scale is divided and subcaudals are paired.
Sinomicrurus 是一種屬於有毒的 elapids 底下的種名,例如 珊瑚蛇(Oriental) 和 東方珊瑚蛇 (Eastern Coral Snakes), 在台灣有三個特有種:羽鳥氏帶紋赤蛇(S. hatori), 梭德氏帶紋赤蛇(S. sauteri) 以及環紋赤蛇 (S. macclellandi)。
Sinomicrurus 是一個的複合組合詞,Sin 是來自拉丁語 "中國的", mikros 是來自希臘語意思是"小的",ura 則是 "尾巴" 描述牠尖銳而短小的尾巴。
hatori: 是來自一個在1905年於宜蘭採集到樣本的日本有名的學家 Juro Hatori (羽鳥重郎),與他的同伴 Seiichi Takahashi (高橋精).
但是此物種的正確分類仍然值得探討。 Slowinski 在2001年發現羽鳥氏與梭得氏不管在頭骨形狀、毒液還有洩殖腔等等的比對上都是相同的。根據 Ota 在1999年的研究數據,兩種蛇的腹下鳞數目也是相同的。另外,已經有人發現有少量的羽鳥氏有不清晰的白斑。
The phylogenetic relationships of Asian coral snakes (Elapidae: Calliophis and Maticora) based on morphological and molecular characters (Herpetologica 57: 233-245), Slowinski, J.B., J. Boundy & R. Lawson "analysed the phylogeny of oriental coral snakes (together with New World coral snakes) by means of both morphological characters and mitochondrial DNA sequences. The generic classification of these snakes has been subject to confusion and controversy for some time, with some species being assigned to the genus Hemibungarus, but without much robust evidence (see comments on Elapidae 1999 page). The present study identified three main evolutionary groupings within Oriental coral snakes, which the authors recognise as distinct genera: (i) Calliophis, a tropical Asian genus including the species C. beddomei, C. bibroni, C. gracilis, C. maculiceps, C. melanurus, C. nigrescens, C. intestinalis and C. bivirgatus. Note that Maticora is treated as a synonym of Calliophis.
(ii) Hemibungarus, which contains the single Philippine species H. calligaster.
(iii) Sinomicrurus, a new genus, which contains a series of subtropical species: S. hatori, S. japonicus, S. kelloggi, S. macclellandi and S. sauteri. Both molecular and morphological studies support the hypothesis that this assemblage constitutes the sister group to the New World coral snakes.
(i) Calliophis - 分屬在熱帶的種類包含C. beddomei, C. bibroni, C. gracilis, C. maculiceps, C. melanurus, C. nigrescens, C. intestinalis 與 C. bivirgatus.
(ii) Hemibungarus - 目前只有菲律賓有一種 H. calligaster。
(iii) Sinomicrurus - 是一個新確立的新屬包含了一系列亞熱帶的種類:S. hatori, S. japonicus, S. kelloggi, S. macclellandi and S. sauteri.在生物分子學和生物型態學上的研究支持了這個新世界珊瑚蛇的種類確立。