Ptyas korros
Chinese Ratsnake
細 紋南蛇
保育等級: 非保育類
200 cm
台灣全島1000 m 以下低海拔區域。北部較少見,屬於罕見蛇類。
Large snake; total length up to 200 cm. There are 11-17 rows of scales, which are smooth or feebly keeled posteriorly. Head is narrow, oval to slightly triangular; body is slender and tail is long. Eye is large; iris is dirty yellow to brown, heavily dappled or mottled with coarse black pigment and pupil is round, jet black, surrounded by narrow ring of dirty yellow. There are 2-4 loreals and a moderate rounded ridge from upper eye to nostril at each side. Tongue is large, with a dark gray to blue-black stem. Upper head is uniform dark olive brown and the sides are lighter in color; the labials are not black-edged. Upper body and tail are uniform dark olive to gray brown, with dark-edged scales mainly posteriorly resembling a net pattern. There are about 9 indistinct or grey longitudinal stripes along body. Juveniles have transverse rows of white spots across body anteriorly. Ventral head is creamy white to yellow. Ventral body is variable, usually yellow in neck region and anterior fifth to quarter of body, gradually merging with lighter yellow or dirty white posteriorly. Anal scale is divided and subcaudals are paired.
此種半樹棲蛇類日夜皆會出沒,通常在森林和農田附近的地面或樹上棲息,也有可能出現在人類居住的區域。牠以青蛙、蜥蜴、蛇、鳥還有這些生物的蛋與小型哺乳動物為食。母蛇在 5-6 月產下每窩約 8-12 枚的卵。初生幼蛇長約 26cm。細紋南蛇被捕捉時會非常緊張,牠可能會強烈的扭動身軀來逃脫捕捉者,馴養幾天後仍然有可能會螫咬抓牠上手的人。
遇到蛇時,可以從牠是否有大眼睛、棕橄欖色的尾巴與頸後至身體前段適否有淺色細橫紋來判別是不是細紋南蛇幼蛇(只限定幼蛇、成蛇無此細紋) (Source)
Ptyas 是古希臘的傳說 - 關於毒液被吐近男子眼睛;
korros: 根據 Stejneger (1907), korros 是爪哇語中的一種蛇,應該是指 Coluber melanurus (此名稱有個曲折的故事,可能是指 Coelognathus)、與 Schlegel,在命名 Coluber korros (現在的 Ptyas korros[細紋南蛇])時誤用的名稱。