Psammodynastes pulverulentus papenfussi

Mock Viper

茶 斑蛇

保育等級: 保育類 (第二級)

黃頷蛇科,Boiginae 亞科
Colubridae, subfamily Boiginae
65 cm
分布全台包跨蘭嶼海拔 1000 公尺以下區域。
Small snake; total length up to 65 cm (less in males), but most animals are smaller. There are 13-17 (17 at mid-body) rows of scales, which are smooth but not glossy. Head is elongate oval to slightly triangular and distinct from neck; body is slender; tail is long. Eye is large; iris is medium to dark brown, dappled and flecked with light brown and pupil is broadly elliptical on vertical axis. There is a prominent angular ridge from upper eye to end of snout. Tongue is dark brown to black; teeth are long, well developed, resembling fangs in upper jaw. There are three pairs of chin plates. Upper head is light to dark brown or even chocolate with a darker, longitudinal ''Y'' whose arms extend forward onto the ridge between eye and snout, basing at the posterior margin of the parietals, and extending posteriorly along the mid-dorsal line. The supralabials are lighter in color, mottled with white, dirt yellow or black. Upper body and tail are light to dark brown or even chocolate, tinged with scattered, diffuse, deep red and/or scattered deposits of diffuse dark brown to black which is more prominent anteriorly. Ventral head is white to light gray, mottled with tan, black or gray; the deposits of black on the infralabials may form a longitudinal line. Ventral body is light gray to dark gray brown, mottled with brown or gray pigment which concentrates to form light longitudinal lines. Anal scale is entire, and subcaudals are paired.
茶斑蛇頭形略成三角形且具有後溝牙( rear-fanged = opistoglyphous 請見附註 (1)),在日、夜間皆有可能出沒。牠的略成三角的頭形很容易讓人誤會牠是屬於腹蛇類的毒蛇,也因此得到了「Mock viper (偽蝮蛇)」的英文俗名。大部分有毒的黃頷蛇科蛇類的毒性都被認為是對人體無害的,因為通常不是毒腺小,就是毒性不強,甚至還有的是因為輸毒系統不發達;而茶斑蛇毒性遠比真正的蝮蛇科小很多。牠的牙齒構造適合獵取有鱗片的脊椎動物,像是石龍子科的蜥蜴與其牠蛇類。不過分布在台灣的亞種也吃蛙類。
胎生,每年陸續約略產下 3 - 10 隻的幼蛇。初生幼蛇形似成蛇,每條長度約 15 - 18 cm。
相關文章請見 - 茶斑蛇是不是擁有前溝牙? ( "Does the Mock Viper Resemble a Protoelapid?" (Jackson & Fritts, 1996) )(PDF)
Psammodynastes: "此種名是希臘文 psammos = 沙, dynastes = 統治者。但是茶斑蛇並非生活在沙漠地區,可能是因為屬名 Psammophis 來自一個生活在沙漠環境的種群。" (A Field Guide to the Snakes of Borneo, Stuebing & Inger, 1999);
pulverulentus: "來自拉丁文 pulveris = 灰暗的,, lentus = 充滿的,意指牠灰暗的體色" (A Field Guide to the Snakes of Borneo, Stuebing & Inger, 1999)。
papenfussi: 得自美國爬蟲學家 Theodore J. Papenfuss
(1) "Opisthoglyphous"(有後溝牙的蛇)指的是上顎後方進化出增大的牙齒方便更穩固的咬住獵物的蛇種,類似無溝槽(無毒牙)的蛇類,但是有微毒。後溝牙會隨著蛇嘴的閉合而斜上向上顎方向收入溝槽,並不會垂直往下導致戳傷自己。白話一點又稱 "rear-fanged snakes". (Source)