Laticauda colubrina

Yellow-lipped Sea Krait

黃 唇青斑海蛇

保育等級: 非保育類


Elapidae, subfamily Hydrophiidae
170 cm
台灣東部沿海,特別是在 蘭嶼 居多, 墾丁也有少量分布。
Medium to large snake; total length up to 170 cm. There are 21-25 (23-25 at mid-body) rows of smooth and glossy scales. Head is broad, flattened on top, very slightly triangular, but not distinct from neck; body is moderately stout and slightly compressed laterally, especially in posterior quarter; tail is laterally compressed, sides with vertically elongated scales. The ventrals are medium size, which is one-third to more than half the width of body. Eye is medium-sized; iris is gray to blue gray, flecked with black and pupil is round and black. Tongue is flesh-colored, darkened by scatttered black pigment, outer half of fork tips dirty white. Fangs are medium size, rigid, in anterior part of upper jaw. There are 3 prefrontals (i.e., a large azygous shield between the prefrontals) and no loreals; the rostral is entire. Upper head is distinctly marked; snout and the lower half of supralabials is yellow to grey, and the remainder of the head is black except for a bar of yellow extending back above eye to temporal region. Upper body and tail are gray to blue gray while the ventral body is dirty white to cream, which are encircled completely by black, prominent bands with clearly defined borders; the black bands are narrower than the interspaces. Ventral head has prominent broad longitudinal stripe of black from mouth, extending posteriorly to join first two bands of body; chin and gular shields are dirty white to yellow. Anal scale is divided and subcaudals are paired.
"黃唇青斑海蛇是屬於真正的海生生物,但是卻在陸地上繁殖產下下一代。牠們會在熱帶淺海活動,平時棲息於附近的小珊瑚島、珊瑚礁和紅樹林,通常會躲在珊瑚砂底。人們通常可在海水深度 1-10m 的地方發現牠們的存在。主要是因為黃唇青斑海蛇的皮膚屬於低滲透性的,下潛到太深壓力過大對牠們來說是件很危險的事。受到潮汐的影響,海蛇們通常是在夜間出來覓食,不過仍然有個體會在白天出沒。獵食時黃唇青斑海蛇會在珊瑚礁中大範圍的尋找食物。雖然是海洋生物,但這些海蛇喜歡淡水更甚於海水,時常會發現牠們攀爬到陸地上,從低窪的積水地攝取淡水、雨水等。不過當需要脫皮時就沒那麼講究了,無論是海裡還是陸地上都會脫皮。
闊尾海蛇亞科的海蛇在繁殖上與其他海蛇不同,牠們是卵生的,習慣群聚在高於水面上的礁縫內交配產卵。牠們也有可能長途跋涉直到找到適合的地方再進行繁殖。公蛇形成熟期約18個月,母蛇則要24個月才會達到性成熟。一胎蛋的數量不少,不過可能散佈在整個產卵場內,或是其它產卵場。母蛇可在一年內任何時間產下4 -20 枚的卵。黃唇青斑海蛇成年個體與幼年個體比例明顯幼體較少,這或許是低繁殖率與幼體的高死亡率所造成的。" (Source)
時常可以見到牠們成群的出現在 浪人鰺(Caranx ignobilis) 或是 鬚雕科魚類(Goatfish) 的大型狩獵派對中。
"在一篇發表於2009年8月5號的海洋生態研究討論上,指出了此生存在太平洋與印度洋的物種讓天敵誤以為牠有兩個頭部,選錯了地方攻擊是致命的......雖然牠們擁有極強的毒液,但是這種讓敵人無法分辨的發展,也是禦敵所必須的。牠們仍然擁有像是鳥類、鯊魚與大型硬骨魚類等的天敵存在。" 更多探討請看 來自科學日報的一篇文章(Science Daily article).
Laticauda = 來自拉丁文 latus = 廣闊的、寬扁的 與 cauda = 尾巴,形容牠寬扁的尾巴;
colubrina = 來自拉丁文 colubrinus = 指有特殊技能的蛇。