Pseudagkistrodon rudis rudis

False Viper, False Habu

擬 龜殼花

保育等級: 非保育類


黃頷蛇科,Natricinae 亞科
Colubridae, subfamily Natricinae
120 cm
Medium-sized snake; total length up to 120 cm. There are 19-25 (23 at mid-body) rows of scales, which are heavily keeled. Head is broad, moderately triangular and moderately separated from neck; body is stout, slightly compressed or flattened; tail is moderately long. Eye is medium to large; iris is light brown with scattered areas of black, while anterior and posterior quarters of eye are dark brown, pupil is slightly oval to round, black, surrounded by irregular ring of light tan. Tongue is large, dark gray blue, fork tips light gray. Upper head is dark dirty brown to chocolate, with a prominent line of demarcation where the brown of the upper head meets the light brown, orange tinged side of head, extending from tip of nose along side of head to neck. Dorsal shields of head are large, but not distinct due to coloration and poorly developed sutures. The nuchal scales are heavily keeled. Upper body is brown to gray brown, may be tinted with bronze, interrupted by dark designs, variable in size, disposition and intensity of pigmentation. The irregular designs crossing the vertebral line in anterior half of body tend to lose continuity in the following part of body where they are replaced by roughly circular, separated designs along vertebral line. Other spots involving two to four scales occur on the sides of the body, and the posterior ones may fuse to form longitudinal lateral band. Ventral head is dirty white to dull orange gray. Ventral body is variable, dull dirty orange at neck with scattered dark gray to brown black pigment, overall color progressively darker posteriorly with mottled or marbled appearance in posterior parts of body. Anal scale is divided and subcaudals are paired.
此蛇擁有後溝牙(見注示(1)),日夜間皆會出沒。喜歡棲息在山林底層、灌木林、草原或是臨水區域。牠主要以蟾蜍與青蛙為食,不過也會捕食小型蛇類、蜥蜴、昆蟲和蚯蚓。胎生。母蛇於夏末到秋季之間會產下每 12-27 條的幼蛇;每條剛出生的幼蛇大約長 13-20 cm。當牠生氣或是激動時,會拼盡渾身解數把自己模仿的像是一條毒蛇 - 頭從近似三角形變成三角形,並且把身體壓縮成上下扁平,再擺出很兇猛的樣子做勢攻擊。
大--部分的黃頷蛇科蛇類的毒都被認為是對人體無害的。毒腺不大,或是毒性不強,再不然毒液輸出系統功能弱小。 P. rudis 的毒液沒有很好的研究,但轉錄研究發現 P. rudis 含有與毒蛇同源的毒素編碼基因。(Source)
Pseudagkistrodon: 來自希臘文 "pseudes", "false", 和 "Agkistrodon", 美洲蛇蠍的一種。名字 Agkistrodon 來自希臘語 ankistron '魚鉤' 和 odon '齒' 並可能是對毒牙的引用. (Source)
Pseudagkistrodon: 希臘文; pseudo 的意思是"偽裝"; agkistrodon 是希臘語"agkistron",意思是 "fishhook"(魚鉤), 和"odon","odon"有牙齒的意思,意指毒蛇彎曲的毒牙。
rudis 是來自拉丁文意思是 "粗糙的,簡略的,不精通的"。
擬龜殼花 - 意指牠模擬 蝮亞科(pitviper) 的 龜殼花(Protobothrops mucrosquamatus)、頸稜蛇、偽蝮蛇。
(1) "Opisthoglyphous"(有後溝牙的蛇)指的是上顎後方進化出增大的牙齒方便更穩固的咬住獵物的蛇種,類似無溝槽(無毒牙)的蛇類,但是有微毒。後溝牙會隨著蛇嘴的閉合而斜上向上顎方向收入溝槽,並不會垂直往下導致戳傷自己。白話一點又稱 "rear-fanged snakes"". (Source)